Boston Dynamics Superbowl Ad, Samuel Adams Your Cousin From Boston

 I love the Superbowl, but not for the same reason as most people. I mainly watch it for the commercials. I get to see really big budget productions designed to sell products I don't need, trailers for new movies and sometimes a really funny beer commercial or advertisement for Doritos. 

I'm not a big beer drinker, in fact I don't drink at all but I'm glad Samuel Adams decided to partner with Boston Dynamics to make this commercial. I combines two things I really love, high tech robots and my desire for a good laugh.

In this version of your cousin from Boston we see the main character having a party with Atlas, Spot and other robots from the Boston Dynamics line up. Somehow these technical marvels are able to imbibe alcohol. I guess this is an upgrade we haven't heard about yet.

This Superbowl commercial is good for a few laughs and anything that increases the publics awareness of advanced robotics is great in my book. We need to start preparing people for the humanoid machines that will be coming in the near future. This is a good sign for the future of human android relations. If we can humanize robots and laugh at them we should be able to apply other positive emotions.


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