The Boston Dynamics Robots Can Dance But When Will Ameca Get Her Chance


The robots at Boston Dynamics are getting so advanced that they can now do complicated movements that were just a dream for robotics engineers just a few years ago. In this video we get to see two Atlas robots dancing along with a quadrupedal robot called Spot. Another robot designed for warehouse work called handle also gets in on the action.

Dancing is an incredible feat for any robot but I will be much more impressed when a human looking robot like Ameca can do the same thing.

Making bipedal robots that can walk, run or even do complex athletic motions like the ones involved in dancing is not a real hurdle these days but when that robot is molded to look like a human the task becomes much more complicated. That's why a robot platform like Ameca has me so excited. We are on the cusp of a new sea change in humanoid robotics design. Ameca has shown what can be done with the upper body when we try to make machines that mimic humans.

People are excited to see what's coming next and I believe an improved Ameca platform is just around the corner. Imagine the interest in a human android interactive device when it can not only talk to you but also walk up to you and shake your hand.

That moment will be when demand surges and we see a real movement towards designing lifelike humanoid robots. I just hope it doesn't take too long.
